Mildred the Moth.

.Mildred the Moth

Here she was Mildred, sitting under the oven door, with her wings wide spread, and resting.

It was a hot summer`s day in August, and I suppose Moths are getting hot, and want to cool off.

 At first I thought she was dead, as she was sitting so still. I took a kitchen towel and

 gently lifted her on to the draining board and looked at her beautiful marked wings.

 The wings had black spots with some white showing. The whole colouring was translucent and fine.

 Suddenly little Mildred was very much alive, up and away she flew on to the kitchen

 cupboards were she had another rest.

 I went away and let her be. After a while, I returned and Mildred was gone! Maybe she flew out the door to freedom?

Next day, when Roy and I prepared breakfast, what did I see? Mildred with her beautiful wings wide spread on my bread-board. 

She must have spent the night in the kitchen hiding in some safe

  corner, nevertheless I thought she needed to go out.

  I took another kitchen- towel,  lifted her up took her to the door, and away she flew to freedom.

  I bet she was relieved to be free again. Little Mildred was beautiful and glad to be alive. 

  We like our lives, so give a thought to the smallest creatures and let them live too.

                                                                        Written by
